5 reasons to choose a boutique agency
First off, boutique is a relative term. At 75 people, there are some that would say our agency has outgrown the boutique moniker. But when people search boutique, they are generally looking for two things: independent and creative. We are by definition the former and strive every day to be the latter. As such, we feel well within our rights to lay out what we see as the top five reasons to choose a boutique advertising agency like, say, ours.
1. Smaller means faster.
The bigger the ship the longer it takes to turn. Plain and simple. And in today’s hyperspeed marketing world, the ability to pivot, revise and respond at a moment’s notice is no longer a nice-to-have, it’s a need-to.
2. Smaller means cheaper.
A certain amount of agency fee is overhead. And somebody has to cover that overhead and that somebody is you. A boutique agency has indisputably less, ensuring that the biggest chunk of your budget goes to the talented and creative folks who work directly on your business day in and day out. And isn’t that who you want to be paying for?
3. Smaller means you matter more.
If you’re at the bottom of your agency’s client list in terms of size, how do you expect to get their top talent assigned to your account? It doesn’t pencil out for them and you get the B team.
4. Smaller means no mothership.
Independent shops are free to work in whatever way they choose without having to follow the hamstringing rules of some advertising overlord. They’re free to take whatever size projects they want. And they’re free to make whatever kind of contracts a client might want. Don’t underestimate the value of that flexibility.
5. Smaller means more fun.
An oft-overlooked and always underappreciated concept, fun is a critical component in making better work. And we know you data scientists are just shaking your heads, but consider this: a small devoted team working closely with your small devoted team establishes the camaraderie that helps minimize competing agendas, raise efficiency, motivate openness, deepen insights and liberate creativity.
Think small, y’all.
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Jobs, creative
Dir of creative talent acquisition + equity
415 306 9282