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Tahoe South

Tahoe wants to know what team you're on?
As we all know, the world is made up of two kinds of people: those who play for #teamsummer and those on the roster of #teamwinter. In a new spot and outdoor launching today, longtime D/C client Tahoe South introduces the audience to the fun peeps and fantastic creatures of Team Summer in action at the world's most beautiful lake.

CA says Tahoe South’s just their type
Communication Arts has honored Duncan/Channon in this year’s prestigious Typography Annual for design of the new Tahoe South identity for the Lake Tahoe Visitors Authority.

Tahoe South
Lake Tahoe Visitors Authority takes the plunge on a new name, a brand overhaul and fresh advertising, embracing its rep as the lake’s wild side.

Tahoe South goes wild
Is there any advertising more rote and shopworn than winter ski advertising? There’s the requisite photo of some dude who skies better than you ever will leaping from a cornice that’s probably not even in bounds to a slope with more fresh powder than you’ll ever see. Attach bad-ass headline. Ship.

D/C makes a splash with Tahoe rebrand
he Lake Tahoe Visitors Authority, which is tasked with promoting the south side, hired D/C for a complete rebrand. Eight months later, client and agency unveiled the new brand and an entirely new name for the destination -- Tahoe South.
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